Business Travel Outlook 2022
Dear customers and partners,
Wishing you all a happy new year. I sincerely hope the recent festive season provided you with an opportunity to reconnect with family and friends as many regions around the world relaxed restrictions and provided the green light for travel. With 2022 underway, I continue to be encouraged by our customers’ demand and confidence in travel, and by the increasing vaccination rates and reopening of international borders.
Travel is vital to business performance, allowing for growth, collaboration and knowledge-based sharing. For many businesses, 2022 will be a year to rebuild and reconnect with employees, customers, partners and peers.
In 2021 CTM witnessed strong customer demand for travel where restrictions allowed, with many of our valued clients making up for lost time to reconnect with colleagues, customers and their supply chain. CTM also seized on this opportunity, with many of our staff around the world taking international and domestic business trips to attend business planning meetings, conferences, customer meetings and, in some cases, meeting colleagues face-to-face for the first time.
After significantly resizing our business in 2020 in response to the pandemic, it has been incredibly gratifying to see many of our CTM alumni return ‘home’ to CTM in recent months, as well as new members joining the CTM business in freshly created roles that we believe will provide additional value to our customers in 2022 and beyond. These opportunities are a direct result of our unique financial position, rebounding travel activity in key markets, and CTM’s continued commitment to service excellence and technology innovation.
How businesses view travel has changed and will continue to evolve throughout 2022, moving away from a budget line item and towards a strategic enabler to business performance. As we emerge from the pandemic, travel programme managers will be tasked with delivering a travel programme designed to meet enhanced duty of care, traveller wellbeing, environmental sustainability and risk management objectives while understanding the new and more complex travel landscape in which we find ourselves. The value CTM now provides to our customers is greater than ever before as we support you to achieve even more from your travel investment with our expert knowledge, intuitive technology and influential supplier partnerships. As always, our teams in every region continue to work closely with industry suppliers and experts, governments, customers and employees to ensure we are always adapting our services and products to meet the new and rapidly changing travel environment and travel programme needs.
I invite you to read our latest eBook ‘A Fresh View to Business Travel 2022’, which explores emerging trends and travel programme considerations for the year ahead in collaboration with a range of travel industry experts from IATA, GBTA, Festive Road, Risk Line, South Pole and the Travel Medicine Alliance.
CTM embarks on a new year welcoming the opportunity to push boundaries and challenge the status quo, and always with our customers front of mind – ensuring we are delivering innovative travel solutions that provide exceptional value and efficiencies post COVID-19.
I wish to acknowledge the role our employees and industry partners have played over the past two years to support our customers’ travel needs and to ensure the travel industry rebounds stronger and more effective than ever before. We are on a journey, and I am inspired daily by the passion and innovation driving positive change across every area of the travel industry for the better of our customers and the travel experience.
To our customers, we sincerely thank you for your ongoing support and collaboration and look forward to supporting your travel needs in 2022 and beyond.
Wishing you all a successful, healthy and prosperous year.
Jamie Pherous
Founder & Managing Director