International travel spotlight: CTM reviews global travel experiences
Organisations are getting back to business and travelling internationally again. Corporate Travel Management (CTM) employees have embraced the opportunity to take to the skies. In this blog they share their recent international travel experiences and provide useful insights on what business travellers can expect on their next journey.
Marlon Davey, CTM Head of Regional Sales, Asia, headed off on a ‘workcation’ in October 2021, feeling ‘lucky’ to be taking to the skies again.
What was different about your travel post-COVID?
It was a bit more emotive than usual. There was noticeably less people and more organisation needed pre-trip (i.e., printing the vaccination certificate). It was bittersweet that I had rows to myself except on the Phuket – Bangkok flight which was full and was basically back to normality.
What guidance, tools, or apps were helpful during your travel experience?
For returning to Singapore, use the Safe Travel Concierge website, this gives you a checklist of what you need. Just be organised, and even though we’re in 2021, print your documents as it speeds up the airport experience. Use the Facebook group ‘Travelling in and out of Singapore’ as many questions are answered there. Your airline will also help on that. I confirmed exactly what documents I’d need to present at check-in in Singapore to enter the Thailand ‘Sandbox’ scheme.
Was there anything that was simple or easier about your experience than you expected?
Arrival, it was no different in terms of timing in both Singapore and Phuket, everything was organised, and you are guided at every stage. It was actually easier because you don’t have to look at any signs.
What travel or cultural experience left the biggest impression?
Arriving in one of my favourite countries in the world, greeted by the welcoming Thai hospitality. It was also good to see Thailand ramping up given the country depends heavily on travel and tourism. Having only joined CTM in January 2020, it was a wonderful experience traveling to meet a client in person. It was a great experience.
What message would you want to ensure your fellow travellers take away from your experience as travel opens again?
Don’t put travel off. If you have everything in order it’s easy. Also, right now is the most difficult that it will be. If you are looking at travelling into Europe, in most countries all you’ll need to show is your vaccination status.
Mike Kubasik, CTM Global Chief Technology Officer, took to the skies in October 2021 to connect with CTM colleagues in Europe and attend the IATA Digital, Data and Retailing Symposium, Madrid.
What was different about your travel post-COVID?
The standout was the attention to sanitisation while travelling. It felt clean and safe at all levels from air to hotel and on the ground. Attention to detail at airport gates made sure travellers were comfortable and understood the processes. Airline apps made the process easy to upload your vaccination card, health forms and test results, where applicable. Green check marks indicated you were good to go for a boarding pass.
What guidance, tools, or apps were helpful during your travel experience?
When booking my trip, utilising CTM’s COVID Hub tool to check travel requirements, and accessing air and hotel COVID travel features in Lightning (CTM’s online booking tool) was very helpful. And because of my complex multi-stop itinerary, I also leaned on the expertise of our travel consulting team to ensure I was on the right path. The Airline App, My Clear App, Rail App, Global Entry or Mobile Passport for International travel made the process frictionless. Ensure you download the appropriate apps for air, car, rail and hotels prior to your travel.
Was there anything that was simple or easier about your experience than you expected?
Yes, how everything is tech-enabled and can be done via an app, from the airline process to a digital key at the hotel, to touchless transactions on the train, Uber or restaurant.
What part of your travel experience felt the most “normal”?
Everything from receiving a boarding pass to boarding, even the in-flight experience felt normal – including ground transport and hotel check-in.
What did you realise you missed most about travelling?
It was the face-to-face interaction, seeing smiles, reactions and body language. I think business moves at a faster pace with in-person meetings. The value in being able to enjoy a meal and connect on a personal level with colleagues is important.
What travel or cultural experience left the biggest impression?
Each culture, airline and hotel views mask wearing differently and has rules or processes in place, so be cognisant of your surroundings. Ask questions.
What message would you want to ensure your fellow travellers take away from your experience as international travel reopens again?
My recommendation would be: don’t be intimidated, it’s like riding a bike. Make sure you prepare in advance. Arrive at the airport earlier than normal to take any stress out of the process. Your vaccination card is as valuable as your passport, make sure you have a digital and the original with you. I used the Clear App as a digital backup. Stay up to speed on changing requirements and call upon your trusted travel partner for up to date information.
Nicole Wilcock, CTM Vice President, Global Agency Partnerships, embarked on her first international trip flight post COVID-19 in September 2021, reflecting on the notion of ‘you don’t know what you have got until it is gone’.
What guidance, tools, or apps, were helpful during your travel experience?
I’m based in the UK so the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office was a good source. I also cross-checked with the local government and airline requirements. The NHS vaccination app was very useful for proving status; but to be honest, I printed everything out just in case my phone failed me.
Was there anything that was simple or easier about your experience than you expected, perhaps even ‘normal’?
It was a welcomed surprise that the airport and on-board experience were much the same. Heathrow was more streamlined and I used the e-gates as normal.
What did you realise you missed most about travelling?
The impromptu conversations and genuine connections. Teams and Zoom are very impersonal often making it hard to read body language, misunderstanding the context of conversations and let’s not forget technical difficulties. In-person meetings are far more important for building relationships or negotiating cultural barriers when it is not your first language. Sharing something as simple as a meal or drink together can break down barriers far more effectively than any online communication ever could.
What travel or cultural experience left the biggest impression?
How different the regulations are in each country. Germany and Italy required masks in all inside spaces as well as proof of vaccination. On the flip side, Poland was relaxed and not too dissimilar to the UK.
What message would you want to ensure your fellow travellers take away from your experience as travel opens again?
It is worth embracing the changes to make personal connections again. I would also encourage people to rethink the length of their trip – do longer trips to reduce carbon footprint rather than shuttling back and forth every other week. More purposeful travel is better for our mental health and the environment too.
Kristen Pratt, CTM Vice President, Global Customer Solutions, got back to business travel embarking on an international journey in October 2021, London bound. Kristen says, “the experience was just like riding a bike.”
What was different about your travel post-COVID?
Gratitude. Understanding what losing a slice of freedom is like, I was truly grateful to have it back. On a business level, I have a new team that was established during COVID-19, with some members who I’d never even met. We never had the opportunity to meet in person and changing that was immensely valuable.
What guidance, tools, or apps were helpful during your travel experience?
Having someone in a foreign country to assist with local knowledge of government guidelines and provide tips is helpful. I’ve taken two international trips, and I found the United Airlines Travel-Ready Center to be very comprehensive and helpful
Was there anything that was simple or easier about your experience than you expected?
Getting through London Heathrow airport, both upon arrival and return, was surprisingly easy and I’m sure that having uploaded all the necessary documents in advance was key.
What did you realise you missed most about travelling?
Two things. I missed the downtime that comes with travel. It provided time to decompress. Secondly, while video calls aided connection with colleagues, it just isn’t the same and is certainly less personal.
What message would you want to ensure your fellow travellers take away from your experience as travel opens again?
I think people’s behaviour and travel habits will change and that’s not necessarily a bad thing for us as humans or the environment. Travel is necessary for business and personal growth and a few new rules to follow isn’t the end of the world.
Shelley Mathews, CTM General Manager Sales – Europe, visited Glasgow during October 2021 finding her travel experience very ‘normal’ with a positive experience of people being more considerate of others.
What was different about your travel post-COVID?
In all honesty the whole experience has felt very normal, I think everyone has just become a bit more conscious and considerate of other travellers.
What did you realise you missed most about travelling?
It was amazing to be flying for work and meeting people in person. Oh, how I have missed it. You really can’t replace personal connections.
What message would you want to ensure your fellow travellers take away from your experience as travel opens again?
I think the biggest thing when you travel is being organised. Have the necessary forms completed and be prepared – the airport staff will ask you questions (they are just doing their job, have patience) and having all the information to hand will take any anxiety away and ensure your trip runs smoothly.