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Quarantine-free travel with Singapore’s Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTL)

It is time to wipe the dust off our passports and take advantage of the no-quarantine arrangements in Singapore and VTL countries. We have gathered crucial information below that you will need to know before planning your trip.

Travelling to and from Germany, Brunei, France, Denmark, Italy, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Spain, USA, and Canada is now possible under the VTL as of 19 October 2021. Australia and Switzerland also joined the VTL with Singapore on 8 November 2021.

Upcoming destinations to join the VTL include:

South Korea: Travellers may journey to Singapore using the VTL from 15 November 2021.

Australia: Singaporeans can travel to the states of New South Wales and Victoria within Australia from 21 November 2021.

Malaysia: Singapore will launch a joint VTL with Malaysia for travel between Changi Airport and Kuala Lumpur International Airport from 29 November 2021.

Finland & Sweden: Singapore will also extend the VTLs to Finland and Sweden from 29 November 2021.

Requirements to enter a VTL country:

Hold a proof of vaccination from:

  • TraceTogether (Singapore)
  • HealthHub (Singapore)
  • BruHealth (Brunei)
  • COOV (South Korea)
  • EU Digital Covid Certificate (Europe)
  • SMART Health Cards (United States & Canada)
  • National Health Service (UK)
  • Notarise (Singapore)
  • International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (QR code in ICAO Visible Digital Seal for Non-Constrained Environments (VDS-NC) format (Singapore)

Please also ensure you check the latest travel information when planning your trip using a VTL.

VTL Eligibility Checklist

  • Travellers must be fully vaccinated for at least two weeks prior to arrival in Singapore and must have valid proof of vaccination issued in any VTL country or Singapore.
  • Unvaccinated children aged 12 and below in this calendar year can travel to Singapore via the VTL if accompanied by a fully vaccinated VTL traveller.
  • Travellers must have only travelled to or transited via any VTL countries and/or Singapore in the last 14 consecutive days before departing for Singapore. Travellers must also arrive in Singapore on designated VTL flights.
  • Take a COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test or Antigen Rapid Test (ART) within 48 hours before departure to Singapore at an internationally accredited or recognised laboratory, clinic, or medical facility and test negative for COVID-19.
  • Travellers must also take a COVID-19 PCR test on arrival in Singapore and remain in self-isolation until a negative COVID-19 PCR test result taken in Singapore is received (typically within 24 hours).
  • Short-term visitors entering Singapore must be insured for COVID-19 related medical expenses for a minimum coverage of SGD $30,000. Insurance may be required when entering other VTL countries as well.
  • Short-term visitors entering Singapore are required to download and register their profile on the TraceTogether app to aid contact tracing. Similarly, for other VTL countries, visitors are required to download their contact tracing application.
  • Apply for a Vaccinated Travel Pass (VTP) issued between 7 and 30 days prior to your intended date of entry into Singapore (short-term and long-term pass holders only).

**Disclaimer: Before booking your flight, please check with the relevant authorities on the travel requirements. This checklist is intended as a guide only and may differ between countries.



Vaccinated Travel Lanes Singapore Road Map

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What are the designated VTL flights?

A: This will depend on the destination you are coming from. Please contact Corporate Travel Management (CTM) Singapore and we will ask a consultant to advise you accordingly.

Q: How do I count the days to travel to Singapore under the VTL?

A: If the scheduled departure day of the traveller’s flight to Singapore is Day 14 (e.g., 19 October 2021), the traveller must have only been to one or more of the VTL countries and/or Singapore from Day 1 to Day 14 (e.g., 5 October to 19 October, 2021).

Q: Do I need to remain in a VTL country/region for 14 consecutive days before travelling to Singapore?

A: No, your travel history within the past 14 days before departing for Singapore must consist of one or more of the VTL countries and/or Singapore. For example, your travel history may include 7 days in Canada and 7 days in the United States.

Q: I am travelling from Singapore to a VTL country/region and will be back in less than 14 days. Will I be eligible to return to Singapore on the VTL?

A: Yes, you will be eligible for the VTL so long as your travel history within the past 14 consecutive days before departing to Singapore only consists of one or more of the VTL countries and/or Singapore.

For example, your 14-day travel history may include 5 days in Singapore, 5 days in the United Kingdom, and 4 days in Germany.

Q: I am currently in a non-VTL country/region, but will be travelling to VTL countries/regions. Will I be eligible for the VTL?

A: You may be eligible for the VTL if your travel history within the past 14 consecutive days before departing for Singapore only consists of one or more of the VTL countries and/or Singapore. However, if you were in a non-VTL country at any point within the past 14 days, you will not be eligible for the VTL.

Q: I am only travelling to VTL countries, but I will transit via a non-VTL country in my departing flight from Singapore. Will I be eligible to return to Singapore on the VTL?

A: Transit points will be counted toward your travel history. To be eligible to return to Singapore on the VTL, your travel history within the past 14 consecutive days before departing for Singapore must only consist of one or more of the VTL countries and/or Singapore. If your transit via a non-VTL country is within the past 14 days, you will not be eligible for the VTL.


With VTL, travellers can now journey to more destinations with ease. For example, travelling for business meetings and conferences is possible for multiple countries within your travel budget. You may be curious about your eligibility for VTL and the different flight options. CTM is ready to provide accurate and up to date information to ensure you enjoy seamless travel arrangements during your business trips.

Travel with confidence with CTM.

Update 10 Nov 2021. Please note, information on this page is sourced from third parties. While effort is made to ensure the accuracy and currency of this information, CTM recommends travellers check the current travel advisories and requirements directly with the relevant governments or suppliers.


Ensure your company is ready for international travel with the increasing number of Vaccinated Travel Lanes.

Contact our team today to discuss your business’s travel needs.

Asian businessman on travelator

Safe To Travel - By Singapore Government

This page details the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) travel and application requirements for fully vaccinated travellers seeking entry into Singapore.

Asian businessman on tablet

COVID-19 PCR Test Venues

The Ministry of Health (MOH), Singapore, currently only accepts PCR tests which have been administered by approved providers. Click the link below to find out more.

Asian businesswoman on phone in airport

COVID Test Pre-Booking for Singapore

Your one-stop resource for safe entry into Singapore including booking your arrival COVID-19 test, setting up your 'Safe Travel' profile and completing pre-travel requirements.